
Green Women Power

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Green Women Power

ByXie Lin October 9, 2022


Young Chinese Woman Recognized as One of UNEP's Young Champions of the Earth

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in December 2020, unveiled the Young Champions of the Earth for 2020. Chinese woman Ren Xiaoyuan, then 29, was one of the seven award winners, all of whom were under 30.

Ren developed MyH2O, a data platform that provides information about the quality of groundwater in 1,000 villages across China, so the residents can know where to find clean water to stay healthy. Ren's project has helped teach villagers about water pollution, and it has helped villages establish contacts with drinking-water companies.

During an interview with Xinhua, UNEP's executive director, Inger Andersen, said young people are leading the way in calling for meaningful and immediate solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Andersen called on everyone to help cut emissions and protect ecosystems, especially as "we enter the decisive decade." She added, "It is time for us all to act for nature … Every single act for nature counts, and we need the entire spectrum of humanity to share this global responsibility."

The Young Champions of the Earth Award, established by UNEP in 2017, recognizes environmental trailblazers, between the ages of 18 and 30, and encourages youth to tackle some of the world's most-pressing environmental problems.

Women Sweep UNEP's 2021 Champions of the Earth Awards

A Caribbean-based prime minis ter, a scientist, a group of indigenous women, and an entrepreneur were named winners of the United Nation's Champions of the Earth awards for 2021, UN News reported on December 7, 2021. The awards that year recognized recipients in four categories: Inspiration and Action, Policy Leadership, Entrepreneurial Vision, and Science and Innovation. The all-female champions were chosen for their impacts and leadership in advancing bold action on behalf of people and the planet, UNEP announced.

Andersen said the winners' profiles "demonstrate that all of us can contribute." The 2021 champions are "women who not only inspire us, but also remind us that we have in our hands the solutions, the knowledge and the technology, to limit climate change and avoid ecological collapse," she added. 

Established by UNEP in 2005, Champions of the Earth is UN's highest global environmental award, and it is given to outstanding individuals, groups and organizations whose actions have had a transformative, positive impact on the environment. By promoting significant work and remarkable achievements in environmental protection, Champions of the Earth brings people hope and inspires more people to take action and help solve crises involving climate change, the loss of nature and biodiversity, pollution, chemicals and waste materials.


(Women of China English Monthly September 2022 issue)


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