
The REAL reason no one should have to pay for their prescriptions

Source:health  Check:  
内容摘要:It was called as 'a dark day' for patients... which could seem a slightly, erm, dramatic way to desc

It was called as 'a dark day' for patients... which could seem a slightly, erm, dramatic way to describe a 25p increase in prescription charges. 

The hike took the cost of medications to £9.90 per item. 

But the point being made, by community pharmacists who probably know about these things, was really that these charges, for a long while, have been prohibitively expensive for many. 

They called them 'a tax on the working poor'.  

No doubt they, like many doctors I know, think these fees should be scrapped altogether. 

And as a health reporter of more than two decades I reckon they've got a point — not simply as an act of charity, but because in the long run, research shows it will actually save the NHS a packet.

Millions more could be made to pay £9.35 per item if the free NHS prescription age rises to 66, as ministers look at proposals to boost income after the pandemic

There are many people with long-term conditions who don't receive their prescriptions free of charge

It's counterintuitive, I know. But hear me out. 

Firstly, if you do pay for your medications, as I do, it might surprise to know that most people don't. 

Swathes of people — under 16s, many under 18s and everyone over 60, diabetics, pregnant women and new mums, to name just a few — are exempt from the charges, meaning the new increase will make zero difference to them.

If you add all these groups up, around 90 per cent of all NHS prescriptions are given free anyway. 

In my opinion, many of the exemptions are arbitrary or ill-thought-out – for example, why is the levy waived for over-60s, when retirement age is 65? 

Why do women get HRT at a massive discount of £20 for a whole year, while some serious conditions, such as asthma, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s and Colitis, motor neurone disease, cystic fibrosis, stroke and Parkinson's, are still not included on the exemptions list. 

Yes, it's true some people need HRT due to health conditions such as early menopause, and without they would be extremely unwell. And there are women who say HRT has been lifesaving as it helped alleviate severe mental health problems where no other treatment would. 

But there are many other groups that also need medication to stay well and, in many cases, alive. 

And why do patients who are exempt from prescription charges on medical grounds receive all of their prescriptions free, not just the drugs that relate to the condition for which they are exempt?

You might argue the annual income generated by the charges in England – roughly £600 million – is no small sum, given the cash-strapped situation our NHS in. 

And wouldn't scrapping fees trigger a surge in demand for medicines, exacerbating existing shortages? 

Fair questions. But there was no great rush seen in Wales, where fees were scrapped in 2007, or in Northern Ireland and Scotland, which followed suit in 2010 and 2011.

Meanwhile, in England, the NHS spends £19 billion on giving away medicines already, so that £600 million starts to look a little token.

And a recent survey conducted by the Prescription Charges Coalition, found one in 10 people skip medication due to the cost of prescriptions. Others took half-doses to make their pills last longer. 

A third of them subsequently developed other health problems, and half had to take time off work. 

Other research links the charges to increases in GP visits, trips to A&E, and hospital stays. A recent analysis found that if Parkinson's and inflammatory bowel disease were exempt from fees, it would actually save the NHS more than £21 million a year.

Fewer patients would get sick, and need hospital stays or A&E treatment. Less GP time taken up. Less misery. Similarly, poorly controlled rheumatoid arthritis that's very often due to people not taking their tablets costs the NHS millions. Yet if we got rid of the charges, more people would take their medicine and the country would be healthier as result.

Surely that makes sense?

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